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1,742  18-02-2014When It Comes To Helping Veterans, Laurie Hawn Is A Legend In His Own Mind, MP SaysEditor’s Note: On Feb. 12, Defence Watch published comments from Conservative MP Laurie Hawn on the SISIP clawback issue, as well as other contentious veterans issues. He noted that the New Veterans Charter (NVC) is an improvement. The material was from a larger email Mr. Hawn sent to a veteran. Here is what Mr. Hawn wrote:

“The whole package of bene.......
1,743  14-02-2014While The Conservative Government And Bureaucrats Reassured Veterans That All Was Well, New Documents Show Real Concern About Impact of VAC Office ClosuresTTAWA — While veterans and the public were being assured two years ago that budget cuts would not affect services at Veterans Affairs Canada, internal documents show departmental officials weren’t sure how they would manage with fewer offices and staff.

The Conservative government ordered billions of dollars in spending cuts across all departments in.......
1,744  15-02-2014Veterans Ombudsman To Government: Forget Doing More Studies Of Veterans’ Issue….It’s Time To Do Something About the IssuesThis is from the Veterans Ombudsman:

Every Budget is an opportunity for the Government of Canada to address the needs of Veterans and their families. Tuesday’s was no exception.

It contained several announcements for Veterans and their families concerning changes to the Public Service Employment Act and Public Service Employment Regulations to enh.......
1,745  16-02-2014How is the Government’s Health Plan Changes Going To Affect Retired Military Personnel?A number of Defence Watch readers have pointed out their concerns about how retired CF military personnel, including those who have been injured, are going to deal with the health plan changes announced in the most recent budget. Here is what CBC has on that:

Retired soldiers and Mounties, along with wounded veterans and their families, are among a g.......
1,746  17-02-2014Registry of Military Personnel Injured By IEDs Or Exposed To IED Blasts Needed To Better Track Long-term EffectsWASHINGTON (AP) — Roadside bombs have killed nearly 3,600 military service members and wounded 34,000 more in Iraq and Afghanistan, but many of the long-term health effects are unknown for those who seemingly walked away without serious injury.

For that reason, the Institute of Medicine is calling on the Department of Veterans Affairs to create a reg.......
1,747  18-02-2014Veterans Independence Program ReviewToday, my Office is releasing its Review of the Support Provided by Veterans Affairs Canada through its Veterans Independence Program.

This Review is the second in a series of three papers produced by my Office that examines the provision of healthcare support services by Veterans Affairs Canada to our Veterans, family members, survivors and caregive.......
1,748  22-02-2014Canadian Hospital Launches Mobile Health App for Veterans with OSIsVVi Publisher Comment: This is a reminder posting for veterans and their families of the CF and RCMP to help them find support and assistance.

The Royal Ottawa Health Care Group (The Royal) has launched a new mobile health application that will assist Veterans, personnel of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), and members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Po.......
1,738  13-02-2014Liberals vow to re-open Veteran Affairs Canada CentresDear editor,

It’s shocking, not only how brazenly the Conservatives are breaking our country’s solemn vow to care for the men and women who served in the Canadian Forces, but how disrespectfully they treat them.

The Conservatives are making it harder for veterans to access the support services they were promised by the government. Almost a quarter.......
1,750  24-02-2014How veterans shoot themselves in the foot while government hits them over the head
The current government has come under intense criticism for failing veterans while doggedly pursuing a relentless public relations campaign claiming the opposite. Sadly, veterans’ organizations have been unwittingly co-opted into this PR war, effectively supporting government propaganda.

Media relations teams in the minister’s and Prime Minister’.......
1,754  01-03-2014Ronald Anderson death not counted in military statsRetired Sergeant Ronald Anderson's death earlier this week was the 10th soldier suicide in the country in the past few months, but his death isn't being counted in statistics kept by the Canadian military.

Anderson, 39, served with the Canadian Forces for 21 years and was deployed overseas seven times, including two tours in Afghanistan. He died earl.......