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Article Date29-03-2010
Record TYPESpecial Report
Article TitleVeterans Survey Update - Initial Findings
Article ContentVeterans Survey Update - Initial Findings

What follows and a summarized brief from Shelley Langstaff. The veteran survey, which several of you participated, is still only in the initial analysis stage. Nevertheless, these early findings clearly highlight some of the problems.
Once published, the full survey and analysis will be released to VVi for distribution.
The original surve, posted on VVi's On-Going page:
Veteran Survey
The objective of this research project, entitled Veterans Survey Project 2009, is to explore relationships within the military subculture, including demographic similarities among veterans, level of satisfaction regarding recognition for service and service provisions reflected in the New Veteran’s Charter. Specifically, the research question asks, “Is the New Veterans’ Charter sufficient to ensure that veterans receive a full continuum of care aimed at assisting in a successfully transition from active military duty to meaningful civilian life?”CLICK Here to take the English Survey!L'objectif de ce projet de recherche intitulé Projet d'enquête des anciens combattants 2009, est d'explorer les relations au sein de la sous-militaire, y compris parmi les anciens combattants des similitudes démographiques, le niveau de satisfaction à l'égard de la reconnaissance pour le service et la fourniture d'un service dans la nouvelle Charte des anciens combattants. Plus précisément, la question de recherche qui demande: «Est-ce que la nouvelle Charte des anciens combattants suffisantes pour s'assurer que les anciens combattants reçoivent un continuum de soins visant à aider à une transition de l'activité avec succès le service militaire significative à la vie civile?"
Cliquez ici pour faire enquête sur les français!

The initial findings are as follows:

There appears to be a relationship between the number of individual that served in an area of conflict designated as a combat zone, perception of disability, and employment status.

Based on the data gathered it can be assumed that either a majority of respondent were ineligible for benefits provided under the New Veterans Charter, or that the New Veterans Charter is not sufficient legislation to ensure a client centered full continuum of care.

Veterans do not perceive that they are able to access all essential services in a timely manner.

Veterans do not perceive that they are treated fairly by VAC specific to healthcare and quality of life provision for themselves and their family members.  Significant portion of those contributing to the study indicated that they were Very Dissatisfied with access to medical and healthcare services.

Based on the data provided a majority of the respondents do feel:

Veterans diagnoses with a service-connected injury should be eligible to receive a medal of distinction such as a Sacrifice Medal.
Military personnel with service-connected injuries should receive expedited treatment with regard to specialized services including but not limited to medical treatment, psychological counseling, vocational services, access to assistive technologies, prosthetics etc.
A majority of respondents perceive that veterans and their families experience a decline in standard of living post military discharge, that service-connected injury is the primary barrier to their personal employment and that the spouses of individuals servicing in the military should have access to services such as employment assistance.
SourceShelley Langstaff
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VVi ContributorCJ